The primary objective of method verification is to confirm that a laboratory can correctly and reliably perform a standard method. This requires providing objective evidence that the method meets certain performance parameters, especially accuracy and precision. These parameters must be confirmed by laboratory test data.

The laboratory shall demonstrate that it can achieve certain performance parameters established during validation. For example, performance characteristics such as linearity do not vary from laboratory to laboratory and do not require validation. Other parameters, such as repeatability, are specific to the laboratory performing the method and require validation. Thus, performance characteristics that require verification are a subset of the characteristics included in method validation.
The laboratory shall provide objective evidence that its performance parameters meet the requirements of the test method.
Categories of chemical methods
The methods fall into six categories:
- Confirmation of identity.
- Quantification of an analyte at a low concentration.
- Determination of the presence of an analyte above or below a defined low concentration (limit test).
- Quantification of an analyte at a high concentration.
- Determination of the presence of an analyte above or below a defined high concentration.
- Qualitative test.
Documentation and verification process
Laboratories should collect relevant documents such as laboratory passport, test methods, normative documentation for the evaluation of object parameters and quality management system documentation.
Verification of methods
Verification of methods is to confirm that the laboratory can achieve the established performance characteristics defined during method validation. The performance parameters requiring verification depend on the type of method and include, but are not limited to, repeatability and reproducibility. Method linearity does not require verification because it does not vary from laboratory to laboratory.
Use of verification data
The data obtained during verification can be used to assess the technical skills of personnel and to improve analytical results in the short, medium and long term. Performing verification is an important part of achieving compliance with ISO 17025 standards.
Performing method verification according to the requirements of ISO 17025 helps laboratories to confirm their competence, ensure the accuracy of results and achieve accreditation. It is a key process for ensuring high quality analytical data and building confidence in test results.
Please refer to the original source for more information ALACC Method Verification Guide.